Friday, August 04, 2006


Matthew and Rose have been attending VBS all week at Grandma and Grandpa's church. The theme centered around archaeology and Matthew was ALL into that. ;) Rose had a ton of fun too. Tonight was their last night and when I picked them up, Matthew jumped immediately in with an over-excited voice that he had won the mascot, a stuffed owl named Who. Matthew has never shown much interest in stuffed animals but this is big around here, let me tell you. Rose won a treasure box to put her mini plastic cats and dogs in. Their cousins, Ryan and Christine, also went with them a couple nights but left for home this morning and didn't make it to the last one tonight.

On the way home, the conversation went like this...
Me: "Rose, what was your favorite part of VBS?"
Rose: "Well, it was getting my treasure box to put my cats and dogs in."
Me: "What else was fun?"
Rose: "Getting my other treasure box and digging up things in the dirt to put in my box."

Me: "Matthew, what was your favorite part of all of VBS?"
Matthew: "Winning Who!"
Me: [chuckle] "Well, of course it was! What was your second favorite part?"
Matthew: [thinks for a second] "When Ryan taught me how to roll under the chairs in the sanctuary".
Me: "You mean the pews?"
Matthew: "Yeah!!"

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