Monday, May 17, 2010

Who are you all?

I'm amazed that I haven't posted anything since December and I still have about 50 people every week come and check out my blog. I'm that many of you can't be lost! :) Thanks for looking and bearing with me as life has gotten really hectic and my posts have become almost non-existent.

I'm also not quite sure what to do with this blog at this point. I attended a homeschooling expo and decided to try out a program, popular in my area, called My Father's World. It's basically a glorified unit study, and unit studies have always appealed to me. The program goes in a 5 year cycle and the first year is about geography and cultures, then two years of world history and two years of American history, all from a Christian perspective.

It's given us a little more structure but we're done with it in two hours on most days. The kids also asked for a math program so we're using Math-U-See, which they really love due to the leg0-like manipulatives that they use.

So the 7 and 9 yr olds are using these programs and the little ones are still unschooling. I meant to only do these programs with the oldest but the 7yr old wanted to be involved too and that's fine. The little ones sometimes sit along with our read-alouds or color or practice writing while we do "school" so they're probably absorbing some information as well. But they are free to come and go as they please. I encourage them to go play as often as I can because I still believe that unschooling is vital, especially for the younger years.

I'll be updating sporadically and as always, if you have questions, please post - they get emailed to me and I'll be sure to respond. Thanks for visiting!


Anonymous said...

Thought you might like to know about a new online show called the School Sucks Podcast which talks about the problems with public education and discusses alternatives - including private school, homeschooling and unschooling:

leah ramirez said...

Its always great to see another mom who does thing s the same way you do them!! keep up the good work..Ive got a blog I update about as often as you do! check it out.....

hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying yours!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I just found your blog. So, I'm shopping at Safeway and slipped my phone in my pocket 🙃 then I retrieve it to check on a message and your blog page is up. Weird?